US Markerboard

Chemical Tests On Lab Table Surfaces

The industry standard SEFA 8, 1999 testing procedure was used and the 23 harshest chemicals were chosen from the 49 chemicals listed in the standard. SEFA requires there by no more than three Level 3 failures.

Testing Procedure:
Method A - Test volatile chemicals by placing a cotton ball saturated with reagent in the mouth of a 1-oz. bottle and inverting the bottle on the surface of the panel.
Method B - Test non-volatile chemicals by placing 5 drops of the reagent on the surface of the panel and covering with a 24mm watch glass, convex side down.

Exposed horizontal surfaces, such as countertops, are required to pass a 24-hour exposure test; exposed vertical surfaces and semi-exposed surfaces are required to pass a 1-hour exposure test. For both of the above methods (A&B), leave the reagents on the panel for a period of: 1 hour for vertical surfaces and semi-exposed surfaces; 24 hours for exposed horizontal surfaces, such as countertops.

Level 0 - No detectable change
Level 1 - Slight change in color or gloss
Level 2 - Slight surface etching or severe staining
Level 3 - Pitting, cratering, swelling, or erosion of coating; obvious and significant deterioration observed

Reagent Name Test Method % Phenolic
Chemguard Plastic
Acetone A   0 1 1 3
Aqua Regia B   0 0 2 2
Betadine B 10% 0 0 0 0
Chromic Acid B 60% 0 2 1 2
Dichloroacetic Acid A   0 0 1 3
Dimethylformamide A   0 0 2 2
Ethyl Acetate A   0 0 0 3
Ethyl Ether A   0 0 0 1
Furforol A   0 0 0 2
Hydrofluoric Acid B 48% 2 2 0 3
Methyl Ethyl Ketone A   0 1 0 3
Nitric Acid B 20% 0 0 1 1
Nitric Acid B 30% 0 0 2 1
Nitric Acid B 70% 0 0 3 3
Phenol A 90% 0 0 0 3
Sodium Hydroxide B 10% 0 1 3 0
Sodium Hydroxide B 20% 0 1 3 0
Sodium Hydroxide B 40% 0 1 3 0
Sodium Hydroxide Flakes B   0 1 1 0
Sulfuric Acid B 33% 0 0 0 0
Sulfuric Acid B 77% 1 1 2 2
Sulfuric Acid B 96% 1 3 2 3
Sulfuric Acid (77%)/Nitric Acid (70%) 50:50 B   0 0 3 2
Total Number of Level 1 & 2 Failures     3 9 10 9
Total Number of Level 3 Failures     0 1 5 8
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